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STL@CHC: Bullpen catcher snares a sharp foul ball
Bullpen catcher snares a sharp foul ball
Susac gets hit with a foul in the bullpen
Cubs Bullpen Catcher Snags Foul Ball with 1 Hand While Holding Coffee
2013/07/10 Foul ball scatters bullpen
LAD@CHC: Castillo gets buzzed by foul, exits in 1st
Detroit Tigers Bullpen Catcher Scott Pickens Picks Up a Girls Number after the Game
Janssen snags foul ball with hat in bullpen
Detroit Tigers Bullpen Catcher Scott Pickens Delivers Food and Fixes Fans Shades
Anonymous Bullpen Catcher
CHC@WSH: Fan makes one-handed catch on foul ball
Stuff bullpen catchers say